Your # 1 place for Cambridge Oaks news
and events.
registration, no log-in, just the information you are looking for.
Editor's comment:
The purpose of this site is to give Cambridge Oaks homeowners a quick, easy way to get the information you need and keep up to date with Cambridge Oaks events and happenings. We also give you a perspective that you may not get anywhere else. Feel free to send us an article or announcement that you would like us to post. We hope you find the site useful and we are always open to suggestions on how to make it better. One of the things that makes Cambridge Oaks a great place to live is the Cambridge Oaks Homeowners Association that welcomes new ideas and different perspectives.
FAQ: Do I have to get approval from the HOA if I want to make a change to my house or yard?
A. The architectural control approval requirement by the Homeowners Association expired with the expiration of the Covenants in 2013. All property modifications are now governed by the City of Omaha. There is no need to get permission from the HOA for additions, roofs, sheds, playhouses, fences, pools or any other addition or change to your property.
October 14, 2024
We Value Education

August 29, 2024
Annual HOA Meeting
The annual HOA meeting will be held on Tuesday October 29th at 6:30 PM. The location of the meeting is at 610 So. 168th St which coincidentally is also the location of La Casa Pizzeria West. The meeting will be held in the party room. Appetizers are on the HOA and drinks are on you. There will be a drawing among the attendees for donated prizes. Expect some great conversation and discussions, so it'll be worth checking out. The October newsletter will have more information and pre-meeting materials.
August 3, 2024
July 31st Storm in Cambridge Oaks

While Cambridge Oaks fared better than many neighborhoods, we sustained notable tree damage. Several neighbors lost trees or large tree branches. The HOA had damage to the trees around the gazebo and in the forested areas. Please be careful when walking through the forest as there may be hanging branches and trip hazards on the ground from dropped branches or felled trees.
The forest west of the chicane lost a large cottonwood tree that blocked the south bound lane of 166th street until neighbors removed enough branches to clear the road. The photos above are from the that area.
August 3, 2024
Save the Date
The annual HOA meeting is planned for October 29th. The location of the meeting is still to be determined. Stay tuned to the site and we'll update you as soon as the place and time are determined. Homeowners should also receive an announcement in the mail late September or early October.
August 1, 2024
Cambridge Oaks on the Green

Food will be available for purchase from Tacos Charrito food truck. Please bring your appetite, chairs and beverages.
Best of all the event is free for Cambridge Oaks residents and their guests!
June 19, 2024
Update: The Annual 4th of July Parade
will be held on the 4th of July (Thursday) at 10:00 AM due to popular demand. The parade is to line up at Douglas & 166th Streets promptly at 10:00 with the parade beginning at 10:10.
Lopizza will be catering the main meal and kids eat free for attending our parade. Compete in the potato sack races and enjoy the friendly competition and family friendly festivities. Prizes, grab bags, pizza, drinks, face painting and more!

May 20, 2024
The Annual 4th of July Parade
will be held on Saturday, June 29th at 10:00 AM. We'll update you with more details no later than June 29th.
Q. How can a 4th of July parade not be on the 4th of July?
A. Easy, it is a parade HONORING the 4th of July, not a parade ON the 4th of July.
Q. That sounds calendar challenged.
A. True, but it will be fun!
April 16, 2024
New Board Members
The Cambridge Oaks HOA would like to welcome Courtney Eden, Sara Johnson and Bob Gardiner to the Board of Directors. Bob & Sara will be serving a 3 year term replacing Mike Salkin & Marti Gude and Courtney will be serving a 2 year term, completing the term of Kevin Welker.
March 17, 2024
Garage Sale
The Cambridge Oaks annual garage sale will be June 6-8th. Please let Kathy know if you would like to participate or have questions. She can be reached at .
March 14, 2024
Easter Egg Hunt

January 14, 2024
New Budget and Election (Candidates Needed)
The Board approved the 2024 budget, which may be viewed by clicking on the link to the left. Candidates are needed to fill the two empty spaces on the Board. Marti's and Mike's terms are up and are not running for re-election. If you would like to contribute by serving on the Board please email the Board at the link to the left.
October 12, 2023
Annual Meeting & Election
The Annual Meeting will be held at Kiewit Middle School on November 2nd at 7:00 PM. Kiewit is located at 15650 Howard St. Two Board positions are up for election so if you would like to run for the Board please send an email to by November 5th.
June 8, 2023
The Cambridge Oaks Annual Independence Day Celebration
Please join us on Friday, September 15th for the best concert you'll attend all year!

Cambridge Oaks is famous for our concerts and this year we think we have out done ourselves. This event is for Cambridge Oaks residents and their guests. No cover charge!
The Cambridge Oaks Annual Independence Day Celebration
Please join us on Saturday, July 1st for our July 4th celebration!

7:50 AM - Parade participants will begin lining up at the starting point of the parade which is the southeast corner of 166th St and Douglas Circle. The fire truck will arrive shortly before the parade begins at 8:00.
8:00 AM - The fire truck led parade will begin the procession to the Gazebo.
8:30 AM to 10:30 AM - The Pancake Man will be serving breakfast. Pick from pancakes, sausage, juice and water. Bring fruit to share.
9:00 AM to 10:30 AM - There will be plenty of fun activities and prizes in the park east of the pond including Dad’s Potato sack races championship and a lot more. Have fun, win prizes!
11:00 AM to 12:00 PM - The Kona Ice truck will be there, grab a cool refreshment!
Pancake and fixings are FREE for children 12 and under participating in the parade. Pancake tickets are $5 per adult with a $20 max per family. All children 2 and under eat free. Hold on to your plates, they charge us for dropped plates. Please bring your chairs and blankets.
Guaranteed to be a blast!
May 5, 2023
Neighborhood Garage Sale
The Neighborhood Garage Sale will be May 18th - 20th. Please let Kathy know if you would like to participate or have questions. She can be reached at .
March 17, 2023
Easter Egg Hunt
The annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Saturday, April 8th at 10am at the gazebo. Kids will need to bring a basket or bag for their eggs. There will be over 2,000 candy and toy-filled eggs, a bounce house, pony rides, the Easter Bunny, and more! Donuts and drinks provided. There will be a grand prize for finding the Golden Egg. Please contact Kim Gehrman, with questions or to volunteer.
September 25, 2022
Where am I?
Bouquets of wild flowers Placid streams Dense forests
Trails into the woods Green meadows as far as the eye can see Cascading waterfalls
Americana from a bygone era * Popular for its fishing Unspoiled wilderness
Meandering brooks Amazing views Navigatable waters
Pagentry Cool place for a swim A great place to raise a family
Cambridge Oaks of course!
* For windmill geeks: This rugged, well-made mill is a Monitor W Series pumper made by the Baker Manufacturing Company in Evansville, Wisconsin. They were manufactured from 1933 to the 1960's.
August 14, 2022
Who Says Cambridge Oaks Isn't A Hip Place?

Friday night we were rockin'! The concert at the park was a huge success. The 1-4-5 acoustic duo opened for the first hour and then Ecko (formerly Eckophonic) came on stage. Both bands were phenomenal. The Corn Dog Company provided the eats and the soda (as long as you provided the green stamps). Thanks to Kim Gehrman, impresario magnifique, for putting together what had to be the neighborhood's best concert ever.
August 2, 2022
An automatic fill system was installed so that the water level will remain constant. This gives the pump an adequate water supply so it can send water through the lion head at all times. A simple, easy to maintain pump and filtration system was installed to make it easy to keep the pump's water intake clear, minimizing down time due to plugged filters.
To bring water into the small pond two new 1300 gallon per hour pumps are installed in the large pond. The water is pumped through dual fill tubes that terminate in the small pond. They were exposed and were unsightly, now they are hidden under boulders. Most importantly, the waterfall was re-engineered to work correctly. Water now flows OVER the boulders instead of under them. Gaps in the boulders were filled with concrete or smaller boulders. Both pumps push a large enough volume of water over the waterfall to create a look and sound that is quite impressive.
The aesthetics of the park and entrance have been improved. Quality maintenance improves the desirability of our neighborhood to both visitors and homeowners.
We would like to thank MAD Lawn & Landscape for an outstanding job on the ponds and waterfall. We also would like to thank the homeowners whose dues made it possible to make these enhancements. Best of all, the projects came in well under budget!
July 9, 2022
Cambridge Oaks on the Green
The concert will be held at the gazebo on August 12th from 6:00 - 10:00. The 1-4-5 acoustic duo will open, then Ecko (formerly Eckophonic) will headline.
Javi’s food truck will be onsite with a variety of food options. Please bring your own beverages and chairs. This is an all-ages show. Don't miss this concert!
July 7, 2022
Pond, Fountain and Park Landscaping Update
We are entering the home stretch! Construction on the pond is scheduled to begin in the next few days once the ground dries out. The front fountain prep work has been completed and the contractor will begin painting as soon as the water has fully evaporated from the concrete. The landscaping at the park will commence after the construction work has been completed. So, we should be back to an enhanced normal soon.
May 23, 2022
Pond Construction and Park Landscaping Starting Soon
A major project for this year is recontouring the pond to make the water more symmetrical and reduce the erosion problem at the south bank. The plan is to shave the bank at the northeast end of the pond and raise the bank at the south end. It is evident with a stroll along the south side that the area between the walking path and the pond has sunken significantly over the years. The plan is to raise that area back up to where it was originally, and raise and straighten out the boulders. The shaving of the bank on the northeast side will make the heart shape of the water more symmetrical.
The contractor will shave down the wall at the waterfall to stop the water from leaking over the edges and direct more water down the waterfall. The boulders will be sealed to reduce the amount of water that runs behind the boulders instead of over them. New pumps will be installed as the old ones have failed.
After the pond work has been completed, Mulhalls will plant more trees in the park and along the walking path at the pond. They will also revitalize the landscape beds at the pond. In addition, the Board has asked Mulhalls for a landscape proposal and bid for planting drought resistant perennials at the chicane. At one time the chicane was nicely landscaped, but much of the plantings have died due to a lack of irrigation. By early July, things should look a lot better as the construction works gets completed.
May 8, 2022
Neighborhood Garage Sale
The Neighborhood Garage Sale is scheduled for June 9, 10 and 11. Please let Kathy know if you would like to participate or have questions. She can be reached at .
April 25, 2022
What's the Scoop on the Front Fountain?
Many of us saw a freshly painted fountain at the Pacific Street entrance this winter, what happened to it? The contractor last year did not perform as expected after many, many promises. They delayed the project, did not adequately prepare the surface, and hired a painter that did not use the correct procedures for applying the product. They were provided with the tech materials supplied by the manufacturer, but did not follow the instructions. The paint was applied at the end of the season, which did not allow for any remediation prior to the temperature dropping below the levels for application. Consequently, the rubberized paint did not survive the winter. It checked and cracked due to the way it was applied and due to poor adhesion both to the under coat and the failure of the undercoat itself to adhere. As a result, it has to be redone so that is why the paint is scraped off.

The Board has made assurances that it understands the importance of our fountain in making a positive impression for the neighborhood and is on top of the problem as a priority. All of the old paint is going to have to be stripped off, and the process started from scratch, which is what should have been done in the first place. The plan is to go back to an Epoxy paint, which will be more durable and less prone to application failures. The epoxy paint is also more forgiving of less than ideal weather conditions during application. However, temperatures will need to be at least 60 degrees with several days of dry weather. Once the subsurface is taken down to bare concrete, the concrete has to "bake" any moisture out of it, which takes at least 3 to 4 days of warm, dry weather. If the moisture is not out of the concrete, it will cause the top coat to lose adhesion and bubble up. The paint should have at least 2 days without precipitation to fully cure, though Epoxy will cure adequately to tolerate some light moisture in a day. It is doubtful the work will be able to be done before mid to late June due to the normal spring weather patterns.
All of the fountain components are just waiting for the paint work to be completed before setting them up. An automatic filling system should eliminate the problem in the past with the water running low or getting overfilled has been fabricated. It should be pretty slick once assembled! The important thing is that the project has to be done right this time or it will be another waste of money.
March 2, 2022
New Board Member Elected
Congratulations to Dianne Bristol who was elected to the Board to replace outgoing Deb Gilg. Thank you Deb for your service!
February 7, 2022
Your Opinion is Important
The Board has put together a survey to get homeowners' opinions and see what homeowners want for Cambridge Oaks. The survey will help the Board put together a budget for this year and allocate dues. Please download and complete the survey. It may be completed electronically and emailed to the Board or printed and mailed.
February 7, 2022
Board Election
One position on the Board is up for election. Please take a moment to vote. For your convenience homeowners may download the ballot and mail it in or deliver it to the Secretary. Ballots must be received by the Board no later than February 21st.
February 7, 2022
Annual Homeowners Meeting
The annual meeting will be held Thursday March 3rd beginning at 6:00 PM and ending by 8:00 PM. The meeting will be held at La Casa at 168th & Jackson.
January 14, 2022
Candidates Wanted
One position on the Board is up for election. If you are interested in serving on the Board please email the Board at the link to the left and submit a brief bio for publication. All notifications must be received by the Board no later than January 31st.
November 23, 2021
168th & Jackson Intersection
Ever since the City widened 168th St., the Jackson - 168th St. intersection has been a challenge. Unlike the Harney - 168th St. intersection it is controlled by a traffic light. The key to navigating either intersection safely when doing a right on red turn is to pull up enough to obtain a full view of the north bound lane of 168th St. As you can see in the photo, the main impediment is the traffic light pole. The Board has been diligent on trimming the hedges and the City has signed off on the Board's efforts. Unfortunately, the pole is there to stay. Exercise caution and make sure you have good visibility before turning right on red.

October 21, 2021
Lion Head Update, Part 3
The painting is finally completed, just in time for the system to be winterized. The good news is that it is done. Next year should see the water feature as a water feature, maybe with some additional aesthetics. The plan as of now is to line the basin with river pebbles and introduce some aquatic plants. Only time will tell.

September 5, 2021
Lion Head Update, Part 2
The surface preparation work has been completed on the Lion Head fountain and is awaiting good weather for its coats of paint. The color choice has changed from Pioneer Red, which matches the brick, to a medium gray to blend with the possible addition of river rock (more like pebbles) to the basin. Aquatic plants are also being considered to add interest and give the entrance more pizzazz. Even if the rocks and plants don't come to fruition, the new gray color should keep the entrance looking interesting and the lion relevant.

September 5, 2021
The Pond Has a New Look

The enhanced "look" of the pond has been a different story. The pond has struggled to keep the weeds that tend to grow on the banks manageable. For most of the year they have grown virtually unchecked, making the pond look like it wasn't being maintained. Thanks to the homeowners that left feedback on the Neighborhood Facebook Page, Ruff Waters has put a concerted effort into getting the pond to a manageable state. Eliminating the weeds from the banks at this late juncture is not possible, but keeping them under control is. Hopefully, they will continue to stay on top of the weed growth so our pond can look like an asset to the neighborhood.
August 29, 2021
Annual Cambridge Oaks on The Green Concert

Food will be provided by El Ranchero food truck. BYOB (bring your own beverages), blankets and lawn chairs. Perfect for the whole family.
August 5, 2021
Lion Head Update
The Lion Head fountain has not being turned on this year pending renovation. A company, Ruff Waters, was hired last year to do the work this spring as weather permitted. There have been some unexpected delays due to weather, shortage of labor and the need to change the product in the original bid due to the fact it came in only two colors, black and white, which this Board determined to be unacceptable.
A major challenge is that the weather has to cooperate for at least a week. The basin must be completely dry which especially applies to any unpainted concrete as concrete is very porous. It takes several days for moisture to fully evaporate out of the concrete.
Once the surface is fully dry, 4 to 5 coats will be applied one coat per day so each coat can dry enough to support the next coat. It is best that the painted surface not be exposed to water while it is drying. Another important factor for longevity of the surface is to avoid applying it in high heat or high humidity. Once all the coats are applied the paint will need about a week to cure. At that point the fountain can be returned to function.
Unfortunately, the weather has not been conducive to applying the paint. While it is irritating that the fountain sit in disrepair, it doesn't make sense to have to do this again anytime soon due to being in a hurry. The contractor has assured us that work will begin shortly as we are entering a dry time of the year. The Board proposed color, Pioneer Red, is featured in the markup. Thanks to Board member Kim Gehrman for working with the contractor to get the project completed.

July 2, 2021
Independence Day Celebration
The Cambridge Oaks 4th of July parade with popcorn and popsicles will be held on July 3rd from 10 A.M. to noon. The parade meets at Douglas Circle at 9:45 A.M. for lineup. There will be prizes for the best decorated bike, stroller, and best dressed dog. After the parade, meet at gazebo for games and treats.
April 2, 2021
Report Potholes Here
The City has a nifty way to report potholes and other issues on line. Just click the link and you are there!
Report Potholes.
March 31, 2021
Common Area & Dues Update
This year you should see a significant change in the quality of the grounds management. Two new contractors have been hired, both of which have a presence already in the neighborhood. HP Lawn and Snow will be doing the mowing and trimming. They already do the snow removal for the HOA. Heartland Lawns is taking over the fertilization and weed control. The two contractors are noted for their attention to detail and reasonable pricing. Not only will we see a better outcome, we should see a savings of about $9,000 as their pricing is much more favorable than their predecessor's.
We are going back to the long established protocol of weekly mowing for the high visibility areas and bi-weekly mowing for the less visible and less used areas. This will save us $3,000. We will also stop removing snow from the perimeter sidewalks as that is the City's responsibility. The 2016 - 2020 Board decided to spend your money on something that you already pay for out of your tax dollars. That should save us another $2,000 (the bulk of that savings will be in 2022). In all, the association should save about $14,000 for routine maintenance and get a better outcome!
No major projects are planned for this year except for improvements to the appearance of the front fountain and pond. Ruff Waters, a noted pond expert, has been retained to revitalize our water features. The work on the pond should improve not only the appearance, but the health as well. This will be good for the fish, frogs and birds that make the pond a fun place to visit.
Expect to see a smaller number on your dues notices, which should hit mailboxes in a week or so. With the lower grounds maintenance costs, the dues are expected to be $365 this year instead of the $435 it has been for the last several years.
March 31, 2021
Neighborhood Garage Sale
Let us know if you would like to participate in the Neighborhood Garage Sale. We would like to hold it either the first or second week of June if there is enough interest. Please let Kathy know if you would like to participate or have questions. She can be reached at .
March 25, 2021
Easter Egg Hunt
This year's Easter Egg hunt will be held behind the gazebo starting at 10:00 A.M. on Saturday April 3rd. There will be plenty of eggs to find and tasty snacks. Unfortunately, due to COVID the bounce house and pony won't be there this year. There will be other fun activities, cool stuff and of course the eggs. We expect the Easter bunny to make an appearance.
Masks will be required for all attendees, except while eating or drinking. Please bring your own basket or bag to hold the eggs. There will be an awesome prize for finding the Golden Egg.
If you would like to participate in the Egg Decorating Contest, please drop off your egg(s) at the designated tables at the Gazebo by 9:30 A.M., and pick them up between 12 and 2. Left over eggs will be discarded. Entries should be clearly labeled with your name, address and phone number. The eggs will be added to a poll on Facebook's Cambridge Oaks Omaha Neighbors Group to be voted on. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes will be awarded. One entry per person. 1 entry is up to a dozen eggs. Questions? Contact Kim Gehrman at
February 19, 2021
Winter Wildlife

This year we have a lot more deer in the neighborhood than in past years. While they were commonly seen along the West Branch Papillion Creek they did not make more than an occasional appearance deeper in the neighborhood, at least during the day. Lately, deer have been seen almost daily inside Cambridge Oaks sometimes in large numbers. The snow has made it easy to notice their tracks and it looks like we have a few "deer highways" that are probably well traveled in the dark of night. The loss of habitat in the old 144th - 155th & Pacific field is probably a large factor. They have moved west, and Cambridge Oaks appears to be their new home.
February 15, 2021
Police Catch the Bad Guys

Around 1:30 this afternoon a police helicopter flew over the neighborhood scanning the area with its infrared camera. The helicopter flew numerous circles centered around the creek running between Howard Cir. and Harney St. Three cruisers were spotted on west Jones St. and another cruiser was seen at 174th & Pacific St. It appears, according to sources, that a stolen car was involved in an accident at 174th & Pacific St. in which two people from the stolen car took off running. Officers pursued them on foot and called in the helicopter for a bird's eye view. The folks in the stolen car were apprehended with thanks to observant neighbors. If you have more detailed information please email us and we'll update the story.
January 22, 2021
New Board Members
Marti Gude and Mike Salkin have been elected to the two open positions on the Board. Richard Gude and Paul Garth are the outgoing board members, we would like to thank them for their service.
Annual Archives
This site is not affiliated with the Cambridge Oaks Homeowners Association, Inc. It is run by a group of homeowners for the betterment of our neighborhood.
This site is not affiliated with the Cambridge Oaks Homeowners Association, Inc. It is run by a group of homeowners for the betterment of our neighborhood.