Cambridge Oaks Entrance

Cambridge Oaks

166th and Pacific, Omaha NE 68118

Your # 1 place for Cambridge Oaks news and events.
No registration, no log-in, just the information you are looking for.

Editor's comment:

The purpose of this site is to give Cambridge Oaks homeowners a quick, easy way to get the information you need and keep up to date with Cambridge Oaks events and happenings. We also give you a perspective that you may not get anywhere else. Feel free to send us an article or announcement that you would like us to post. We hope you find the site useful and we are always open to suggestions on how to make it better. One of the things that makes Cambridge Oaks a great place to live is the Cambridge Oaks Homeowners Association that welcomes new ideas and different perspectives.

FAQ: Do I have to get approval from the HOA if I want to make a change to my house or yard?
The architectural control & approval requirement by the Homeowners Association expired with the expiration of the Covenants in 2013. All property modifications are now governed by the City of Omaha. There is no need to get permission from the HOA for additions, roofs, sheds, playhouses, fences, pools or any other addition or change to your property.

December 21, 2020

Ballots are Now Available

Two homeowners are running for two open positions on the Board, Marti Gude and Mike Salkin (click on the  candidate to read their bio). Both have served on the Board previously. It is important to cast a ballot as our bylaws require that a minimum of 46 ballots be received to constitute a valid election. Ballots are due no later than January 15th. Your ballot should arrive in the mail in the next couple of days. However, if you don't want to wait you may download one here.

October 9, 2020

Homeowner's Association Annual Meeting

This year's annual meeting will take place virtually on October 29th at 7:00 PM. Please try to attend as a lot has happened this year and your input for next year is important. The meeting will use Zoom. 

If you are not familiar with Zoom, please take a few moments and check out

There are also many good video tutorials on

May 28, 2020

Neighborhood Garage Sale

This year's dates for the garage sale are Thursday June 18th through Saturday June 20th. Activity tends to run from 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM. Please let Kathy know if you would like to participate or have questions. She can be reached at .

May 15, 2020

Maintenance Update

Our common grounds are looking good this year. A shout out to Colville Osborne, our vice president, who has taken over maintenance!

The pond is shaping up nicely. It is being treated with an algaecide and the left over debris has been cleaned up. However, we are still short on fish due to a fish kill. Feel free to donate a few game fish.

Bids are in progress for cleaning and sealing the brick at the front entrance fountain as well as repainting the basin. Hopefully the work can get started on that soon and that ugly blue can be a thing of the past.

Flinn Paving has been hired to fix the broken asphalt on the pond pathway and re-coat the pathway. A new walkway will greatly improve the utility and appearance of the park.

The culverts on both sides of the creek at the 166th street overpass were cleaned out as it is the HOA's responsibility to keep the culverts clear of debris so that the creek flows freely. There was quite a bit of trash, broken tree branches and tree debris that had to be removed.  It also appears that someone dumped a number of concrete chunks in the creek bed.  Our creek and wooded areas are a great aesthetic asset to the community, so please don't dump debris in them. It costs us money to clean it up and it looks bad.

May 9, 2020

New Board Member

Congratulations to Colville Osborn on being re-elected to the Board and Kim Gehrman for being elected to the Board! They were elected to a three year term.  

News Update

There has been a fish kill at the pond which has resulted in dead fish and an unpleasant smell. A bio-decontamination company has been hired and is planning to remove the dead fish as soon as possible. 

2019 HOA Financials are available to homeowners by request. Just send us an email.

A message from the Board: It is wonderful to see so many neighbors and pets walking around the neighborhood during this pandemic.  There is still much to enjoy about daily life in Cambridge Oaks while the shut down continues. However, a word of caution, please maintain social distancing of 6 ft. while using the gazebo, the pond or community homeowner's association common areas and no groups larger than 10 people. The HOA has not done any sanitization of the common areas so proceed at your own risk.

April 5, 2020

Easter Egg Event is Coming Soon!

Easter Egg Hunt Details

April 1, 2020

Dues Invoice and Ballot are Now Available

Dues are due no later than May 1, 2020. If you have not received an invoice in the mail one may be downloaded here. Three homeowners are running for two open positions on the Board. It is important to cast a ballot as our by laws require that a minimum of 46 ballots be received to constitute a valid election. If you did not receive a ballot you may download one here.

March 25, 2020

Notice on Annual Homeowners Meeting and Other Events

The annual Homeowners meeting and other events, such as the Easter egg hunt and garage sale, should be expected to be canceled or postponed until it is safe to gather due to the pandemic. Stay tuned to this site for updates.

March 10, 2020

Annual Homeowners Meeting

The annual Homeowners meeting will be held on Thursday, April 22nd, 2020 from 6:30 to 8:00 at Kiewit Middle School which is located at 156th & Howard Streets. The Board will discuss Grounds and Maintenance, Social Events, and the Treasurer will report on the finances including a comparison of the 2019 budget and the actual expenditures as well as discuss the 2020 budget and 2020 dues assessments, which is staying the same as last year at $435. They will also field questions from attendees.

There are two positions open on the Board. If you are interested in serving on the Board please notify the Board at the email address on the left navigation bar. 

Annual Archives


This site is not affiliated with the Cambridge Oaks Homeowners Association, Inc. It is run by a group of homeowners for the betterment of our neighborhood.